Media Highlights
Dana appeared on Ivory Tower Radio with Larry Sharpe on July 3, 2009. Larry and Dana discussed how people can use their business technology and the internet as tools of influence.
Catch us in CRN Magazine VARs Gripe About Managed Services Hype.
We are also featured in an article in the Interactive Technology Report of Pool and Spa News magazine, along with our most trusted online backup partner—Backup My Info. Together, Jennifer Walzer of Backup My Info, and Dragonfly Technologies CEO Dana Friedman discuss disaster recovery, and how spa owners can protect their information.
We served several independent films as technology consultants. Among the productions in which you'll see us credited is Trembling Before G-d, distributed by New Yorker Films
More media coverage highlights coming soon!
Dana appeared on Ivory Tower Radio with Larry Sharpe on July 3, 2009. Larry and Dana discussed how people can use their business technology and the internet as tools of influence.
Catch us in CRN Magazine VARs Gripe About Managed Services Hype.
We are also featured in an article in the Interactive Technology Report of Pool and Spa News magazine, along with our most trusted online backup partner—Backup My Info. Together, Jennifer Walzer of Backup My Info, and Dragonfly Technologies CEO Dana Friedman discuss disaster recovery, and how spa owners can protect their information.
Catch the CRN interview in print or on video and get a chuckle while
Dana advocates for the people we serve, rather than for letting a box
substitute for human contact.
Check us out in Pool and Spa News online.
We served several independent films as technology consultants. Among the productions in which you'll see us credited is Trembling Before G-d, distributed by New Yorker Films
More media coverage highlights coming soon!
February 15 2021
Our CEO Dana Friedman will be presenting "Work In The Cloud Without Keeping Your Head There", to the Wall Street Chapter of Manhattan BNI, on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 7:00AM. For details on attending the meeting, please contact BNI Wall Street Chapter. If you want to register as a visitor, we will send a Zoom link.