Backup Solutions
Many of the organizations we serve have been in a quandary about backups. They have made investments in older backup technologies that either no longer work, or no longer meet their needs. We have partnered with a major data warehouse to bring you DragonSky Backup on online backup solution that caters to a wide variety of business needs. Contact us for more information.
Many of the organizations we serve have been in a quandary about backups. They have made investments in older backup technologies that either no longer work, or no longer meet their needs. We have partnered with a major data warehouse to bring you DragonSky Backup on online backup solution that caters to a wide variety of business needs. Contact us for more information.
February 15 2021
Our CEO Dana Friedman will be presenting "Work In The Cloud Without Keeping Your Head There", to the Wall Street Chapter of Manhattan BNI, on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at 7:00AM. For details on attending the meeting, please contact BNI Wall Street Chapter. If you want to register as a visitor, we will send a Zoom link.